
Born : 5 AD – Tarsus
Died : 67 AD – Rome
Death : Beheaded by order of Nero in Rome
Also known as Saul
Tent maker and a Jewish Pharisee, Biblical Scholar
Authored 14 New Testament books of the Holy Bible

Born : The city of Galilee
Died : 65 AD – Ethiopia
Death : Killed by order of the King of Ethiopia
Also known as Levi
Tax Collector
Authored the book of Matthew of the Holy Bible
Judas Iscariot

Born : Kerioth, Judea
Died : 30 AD – Jerusalem, Judea
Death : Committed suicide by hanging from a tree
Was replaced by Matthias
Treasurer of the 12 Disciples
Betrayed Jesus to the Sanhedrin for 30 pieces of silver

Born : Galilee, Judea
Died : 72 AD – Chennai, India
Death : Pierced with five spears while praying
AKA Doubting Thomas
AKA Twin
He doubted the resurrection of Jesus and demanded proof

Born : Salamis, Cyprus
Died : 62 AD – Salamis
Death : Stoned to death and his body burned
Also known as Joseph
Was the cousin of John Mark
He was a missionary companion of the Apostle Paul

Born : Ephesus, Greece
Died : Unknown
Death : The location and time are unknown
Dear friend of Apostle Paul
Was pastor at Ephesus Church
He delivered the epistles to Ephesus and Colosse churches

Born : 1 AD – Bethsaida
Died : 64 AD – Rome
Death : Crucified upside down by order of Nero
Also known as Simon
Fisherman and younger brother of the Apostle Andrew
Son of Jonah, Authored 2 books of the Bible, 1st Pope of Rome

Born : 1 AD – Antioch, Syria
Died : 84 AD – Thebes, Greece
Death : Tortured and hanged from an olive tree
Companion of Apostle Paul
Authored the book of Luke & Acts of the Holy Bible
Mary Magdalene

Born : Magdala, Israel
Died : Unknown
Death : Possibly passed away in Ephesus, Greece
Jesus cast out 7 demons
Follower & financial supporter
Was present at the crucifixion, was the 1st resurrection witness

Born : 6 BC – Bethsaida
Died : 80 AD – Hierapolis
Death : Tortured and crucified upside down
Friend of Apostle Bartholomew
Brother of Mariamne
He was a follower of John the Baptist before Jesus
Philip the Evangelist

Born : Caeserea, Palestine
Died : Tralles, Lydia
Death : The location is Tralles, the cause is unknown
AKA Philip the Deacon
His 4 daughters prophesied
One of the Jerusalem church Original Seven Deacons

Born : Phrygia
Died : 109 AD – Puteoli, Italy
Death : Stoned to death and beheaded
Converted by Apostle Paul
Was Bishop of Ephesus
He was a run away slave of Philemon who stayed with Paul

Born : 5 BC – Bethsaida
Died : 62 AD – Patras
Death : Crucified on a “X” cross by Prefect Aegeatos
1st Disciple of Jesus
Fisherman and older brother of Simon Peter
Son of Jonah & Disciple of John the Baptist

Born : 5 AD – Cyrene, Greece
Died : 68 AD – Cyrene, Greece
Death : Dragged to death from a rope through the streets
Also known as John Mark
Cousin of Barnabas
Authored the book of Mark & Interpreter for Apostle Peter
James the Less

Born : Galilee, Judea
Died : 62 AD – Ostrakine, Egypt
Death : Crucified while preaching the Gospel
AKA James son of Alphaeus
Cousin of Jesus
Son of Alphaeus and Mary of Clopas, Brother of Thaddaeus

Born : Cana, Galilee
Died : Albanopolis, Armenia
Death : Crucified upside down, flayed alive and beheaded
Also known as Nathanael
Also known as Son of Tolmai
He was a friend of the Apostle Philip who called him to Jesus

Born : 17 AD – Lystra, Lycaonia
Died : 97 AD – Macedonia
Death : Beaten, dragged through the street and stoned
Friend of Silas and Barnabas
Was Bishop of Ephesus
Was a missionary companion of the Apostle Paul

Born : Unknown
Died : 68 AD – Colossae, Phrygia
Death : Stoned to death during the persecution of Nero
Converted by Apostle Paul
Pastor of his home Church
Onesimus was his run away slave who ran to Apostle Paul
James the Greater

Born : 3 AD – Bethsaida
Died : 44 AD – Jerusalem
Death : Beheaded by King Herod Agripa I of Judea
AKA James Zebedee
Fisherman and older brother of the Apostle John
Son of Zebedee & Salome, 1st disciple martyred
James the Just

Born : Unknown
Died : 62 AD – Jerusalem
Death : Thrown from the Temple, then stoned & beaten
AKA James brother of Jesus
Half-brother of Jesus
Authored the book of James & the 1st Bishop of Jerusalem

Born : Galilee, Judea
Died : 65 AD – Beirut, Syria
Death : Fatally beaten and beheaded with a halberd
AKA Jude, Judas, Lebbaeus
Cousin of Jesus
Son of Alphaeus & Mary, Brother of James the Less

Born : Bethlehem
Died : 80 AD – Jerusalem
Death : Stoned to death and then beheaded
Also known as Zacchaeus
He was the 13th Apostle
He was chosen by lot to replace the deceased Judas Iscariot

Born : 13 AD – Crete, Greece
Died : 107 AD – Gortyna, Crete
Death : Died of natural causes at the age of 94
Partner & co-worker of Paul
Was Bishop of Gortyna
Was a missionary companion of the Apostle Paul

Born : Alexandria, Egypt
Died : Unknown
Death : The location and time are unknown
Friend of Apostle Paul
Taught at the Ephesus Church
He was converted and educated by Aquila and Priscilla

Born : 6 AD – Bethsaida
Died : 100 AD – Ephesus
Death : Died of natural causes at the age of 94
Disciple who Jesus loved
Fisherman and younger brother of the Apostle James
Son of Zebedee & Salome, Authored 5 books of the Bible

Born : Unknown
Died : 80 AD – Armenia
Death : Crucified and pierced by arrows
Also known as Judas
Half-brother of Jesus
Authored the book of Jude of the Holy Bible

Born : Capernaum
Died : 65 AD – Beirut, Syria
Death : He was sawn in half with a saw
AKA Simon the Zealot
AKA Simon the Canaanite
Missionary companion of the Apostle Thaddaeus

Born : 5 AD
Died : 34 AD – Jerusalem
Death : Stoned to death by the Sanhedrin
Was the 1st disciple martyred
Saul approved his stoning
He was chosen by the Apostles to distribute food to widows

Born : Rome
Died : Macedonia
Death : The location is Macedonia, the cause is unknown
Partner & co-worker of Paul
Was a helper to Apostle Peter
Helped Paul start the 1st Christian church in Europe
Aquila & Priscilla

Born : Italy
Died : Rome
Death : They were tortured and executed together
Dear friend of Apostle Paul
They had a home Church
They taught the disciple Apollos the Gospel of Jesus