
Born : 900 BC – Tishbe in Gilead
Died : 849 BC – Taken to heaven
Elijah was taken up to heaven alive by God
Elisha replaced him
Elijah performed many miracles including raising the dead
Elijah defeated and put to death the false prophets of Baal

Born : Samaria, Northern Israel
Died : Samaria, Northern Israel
Hosea was a prophet of God from 750 – 725 BC
Hosea was the son of Beeri
Hosea authored the Book of Hosea in the Holy Bible
Hosea preached repentance and destruction to Samaria

Born : Shechem, Ephraim
Died : Sebastia, Palestine
Obadiah was a prophet of God from 586 – 538 BC
Lived during Babylonian seige
Obadiah authored the Book of Obadiah in the Holy Bible
Obadiah preached about Edom’s pride before the Lord

Born : Judah
Died : Riblah, Hamath
Zephaniah was a prophet of God from 638 – 609 BC
He wrote the Book of Zephaniah
Zephaniah prophesied the coming wrath of God to Judah
Zephaniah was put to death by King Nebuchadnezzar II

Born : Unknown
Died : Unknown
Gad was a prophet & counselor of King David (1011-970 BC)
He contributed to 1st Chronicles
Gad advised King David to return from Moab to Judah
Gad rebuked King David for taking a prideful military census

Born : 8th Century BC – Judah
Died : 7th Century BC – Israel
Isaiah warned Israel of a coming Assyrian overthrow
He was sawed in half
He verbally attacked the ruling classes in defense of the people
Isaiah preached belief in Yahweh & repentance to godless people

Born : 622 BC – Jerusalem
Died : 570 BC – Babylon (52)
Ezekiel was a prophet of God from 592 – 570 BC
He received visions from God
Ezekiel authored the Book of Ezekiel in the Holy Bible
Ezekiel preached condemnation and judgement to Judah

Born : Abel-Meholah, Palestine
Died : Samaria, Palestine
Elisha was a prophet of God from 892 – 832 BC
He saw Elijah ascend to heaven
Elisha replaced Elijah as prophet of Israel in 851 BC
Elisha performed twice as many miracles as Elijah

Born : Judah
Died : Unknown
Nathan was a court prophet and trusted advisor to King david
He spoke for God to King David
He authored the Book of Nathan about King’s David & Solomon
Nathan helped Solomon become successor to King David

Born : 1533 BC – Goshen, Egypt
Died : 1407 BC – Kadesh (126)
Miriam was the older sister of Moses and Aaron
Miriam was the first prophetess
Miriam intervened in the weaning of Moses as an infant
She was struck with leprosy by God for speaking against Moses

Born : 643 BC – Anathoth
Died : 570 BC – Egypt
Jeremiah was stoned to death by distraught fellow countrymen
He was called by God at 17
Called to warn Judah about being exiled by a Pagan King
Jeremiah preached belief & trust in God to godless people

Born : Judah
Died : Gush Alav, Galilee
Joel was a prophet of God around 860 – 850 BC
He authored the Book of Joel
Joel prophesied the coming of the Holy Spirit upon believers
Joel preached repentance and prayer to Judah

Born : 740 BC – Moresheth-Gath
Died : 670 BC – Judah
Micah was a prophet of God from 737 – 696 BC
He authored the Book of Micah
Micah prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem by Assyria
Micah preached about injustice of the poor and unfortunate

Born : Babylon
Died : Unknown
Haggai was a prophet of God to Zerubbabel in 520 BC
He authored the Book of Haggai
Haggai prophesied the rebuilding of King Solomon’s temple
He was born in Babylon during the exile and captivity of Israel

Born : 1200 BC – Ephraim
Died : 1124 BC – Kadesh (76)
Deborah is the only female Judge of the Bible (1184-1144 BC)
Deborah was a prophetess
Deborah was a military leader of Israel along with General Barak
She wrote the Song of Deborah about her Canaanite victory

Born : 620 BC – Jerusalem
Died : 538-532 BC
God gave Daniel the gift of interpreting dreams
He was exiled to Babylon
Daniel had a powerful devotion of prayer to the one true God
King Darius put Daniel in a den of lions and angels saved him

Born : Tekoa, Judah
Died : 745 BC – Killed in Bethel
Amos was a prophet of God from 766 – 755 BC
He authored the Book of Amos
Amos believed that God is Lord over all human history
He preached righteousness and justice to Samaria & Bethel

Born : Elkosh, Israel
Died : Unknown
Nahum was a prophet of God from 663 – 612 BC
He authored the Book of Nahum
Nahum prophesied the destruction of Nineveh
Nahum was sent by God to Nineveh 150 years after Jonah

Born : Unknown
Died : Unknown
Zechariah was the 11th of the 12 minor prophets (520-518 BC)
He wrote the Book of Zechariah
He prophesied the rebuilding of King Solomon’s temple
He prophesied the first and second comings of Jesus

Born : 1440 BC – Pethor
Died : 1407 BC – Midian (33)
Balaam was hired by King Balak to curse the Israelites (1407 BC)
Balaam was a wicked prophet
Balaam was told by God to bless the Israelites seven times
Balaam beat his donkey who then spoke and rebuked him

Born : 1100 BC – Ramathaim
Died : 1011 BC – Ramah
Samuel was given to Eli the Priest when he was an infant
He was a judge of Israel
He chose and anointed Saul & David as King of Israel
Samuel along with Moses and Aaron was answered by God

Born : Gath-Hepher, Galilee
Died : Nineveh, Assyria
Jonah was a prophet of God from 786-746 BC
He authored the Book of Jonah
Jonah prophesied the destruction of Nineveh
He preached repentance of disobedience to Nineveh

Born : Unknown
Died : Unknown
Habakkuk was a prophet of God from 612 – 605 BC
He wrote the Book of Habakkuk
Habakkuk prophesied the sins of Judah and their judgement
Habakkuk wrote of the Chaldean (Babylon) rise to power

Born : Unknown
Died : Unknown
Malachi was the last of the 12 minor prophets (450 BC)
He wrote the Book of Malachi
He prophesied the necessity for proper worship to God
He prophesied the coming of John the Baptist

Born : Unknown
Died : Unknown
Methuselah was the Grandfather of Noah
He was the son of Enoch
Methuselah is the oldest living person in the Holy Bible
Methuselah died 1 week before the great flood at age 969