Adam & Eve

Born : The first humans created
Died : Adam died at age 930
Adam came from the dust of the Earth
Eve came from Adam’s rib
They had dominion over Earth and all of it’s creatures
Satan deceived them causing the fall of mankind into sin

Born : 2166 BC – Ur, Chaldees
Died : 1991 BC – Hebron (175)
He established the Abrahamic Covenant with God
His original name was Abram
God gave him a son (Isaac) when he was 100 years old
Sarah was his wife, Lot was his nephew & Terah was his father

Born : 1096 BC – Zorah, Canaan
Died : 1051 BC – Gaza, Canaan
Samson was born of a miracle birth by God
He lived the life of a Nazirite
Samson was a Judge of Israel for twenty years
Samson showed great feats of strength led by the Holy Spirit

Born : 1168 BC – Shiloh
Died : 1070 BC – Shiloh (98)
Eli was a descendant of Aaron the first High Priest of Israel
Eli was the High Priest of Israel
Eli was the Judge of Israel for forty years
Hannah gave her son Samuel to Eli for God to use

Born : Unknown
Died : Unknown
Lamech was a polygamist having two wives Adah and Zillah
Lamech descended from Cain
Lamech boasts to his wives of killing a man for striking him
Lamech was the father of Tubal-Cain the first blacksmith

Born : 630 BC – Babylon
Died : 561 BC – Babylon (69)
Nebuchadnezzar was used by God to inflict judgment on Judah
King of Babylon (605-562 BC)
He had 2 dreams interpreted by Daniel God’s prophet
He was the longest reigning and most powerful Babylonian King

Born : 10th generation of Adam
Died : Noah died at age 950
Noah built an Ark for God to preserve life on Earth
Noah walked with God
God spared Noah and his family from the flood judgement
Noah and his sons Shem, Ham and Japheth re-populated Earth

Born : 1040 BC – Bethlehem
Died : 970 BC – Jerusalem (70)
David was the 3rd King of the Jews after Saul & Ishbosheth
He defeated the Giant Goliath
David was succeeded by his son Solomon as King
David authored many of the Biblical Psalms

Born : Before 2100 BC – Uz
Died : Unknown
Job was a righteous and prosperous man
He lived in the land of Uz
Job was tested by Satan with severe trials
Job held fast to his faith in God and was redeemed two fold
Esther & Mordecai

Born : 492 BC – Hadassah
Died : 460 BC – Persia (32)
Esther was the adopted daughter of her cousin Mordecai
Esther became Queen of Persia
Mordecai told Esther of Haman’s plan to annihilate the Jews
Esther risked her life to stop Haman and save her people

Born : Unknown
Died : Unknown
Seth was the third son born to Adam & Eve
His brothers were Cain & Abel
Seth was the righteous seed that Jesus was born through
Seth created a family line that was the first to worship God

Born : 600 BC – Anshan, Persia
Died : 530 BC – Kyzylorda (70)
Cyrus was used by God to fulfill Old Testament prophecy
King of Persia (559-530 BC)
Cyrus freed the Jews from 70 years of Babylonian captivity
Cyrus financed the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem

Born : 1527 BC – Goshen, Egypt
Died : 1407 BC – Mt. Nebo (120)
Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt and across the Red Sea
Raised by Pharaoh’ daughter
Gave the Hebrews God’s law and the old covenant
His brother Aaron was the 1st High Priest of the Israelites

Born : 990 BC – Jerusalem
Died : 931 BC – Jerusalem (59)
Solomon’s parents were King David and Bathsheba
Solomon built God’s Temple
He authored the Books of Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon
Solomon authored most of the book of Proverbs

Born : 1916 BC – Canaan
Died : 1806 BC – Egypt (110)
He was sold into slavery by his half brothers & taken to Egypt
His parents were Jacob & Rachel
God gave Joseph the gift of interpreting peoples dreams
He came out of prison to become 2nd in command to Pharaoh

Born : 480 BC – Babylon
Died : 440 BC – Jerusalem (40)
Ezra led 42,360 captive Jews from Babylon to Jerusalem
Ezra was a Priest and a scribe
Ezra taught the word of God and led a spiritual revival
Ezra restored Jerusalem and the worship of Gods word.

Born : Jericho
Died : Unknown
Rahab helped Joshua’s spies escape from the king of Jericho
She was a Canaanite prostitute
Rahab and family were spared when Joshua invaded Jericho
Rahab was the 1st recorded Gentile to convert to Yahweh
Virgin Mary

Born : 16 BC – Nazareth, Galilee
Died : 58 AD – 72 years old
Mary was the mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus
She was around 15 years old
Mary was a virgin that God chose to have a miracle birth
Angel Gabriel told Mary that the Holy Spirit would come upon her

Born : 1485 BC – Goshen, Egypt
Died : 1375 BC – Ephraim (110)
Joshua was one of the twelve spies of Canaan
He replaced Moses after he died
He was chosen by God to lead Israel into the promised land
He is the greatest military leader in human history

Born : 1530 BC – Goshen, Egypt
Died : 1407 BC – Mt. Hor (123)
Aaron was the elder brother of Moses (3 years his senior)
Was the first Levitical High Priest
Was Moses’ spokesperson during their Exodus from Egypt
He made the forbidden Golden Calf and worshiped it

Born : Babylon
Died : Unknown
Nehemiah was the Governor of Jerusalem (444-432 BC)
Nehemiah prayed continually
Nehemiah supervised the repairs to the walls in Jerusalem
He was a great leader and he encouraged the people

Born : 2157 BC – Ur of Chaldees
Died : 2030 BC – Hebron (127)
Sarah was the wife and half sister of Abraham
Sarah was the mother of Isaac
Sarah had her name changed from Sarai by God
Sarah was blessed by God and she bore Isaac at age 100
John the Baptist

Born : 5 BC – Judea
Died : 28 AD – Jordan
John preached repentance and the coming Messiah
He was born of a miracle birth
He was beheaded by King Herod Antipas
He was a cousin of Jesus through their mothers

Born : 2006 BC – Canaan
Died : 1859 BC – Egypt (147)
Jacob was the son of Isaac and Rebekah
Jacob wrestled with an Angel
Jacob was the fraternal twin brother of Esau
Jacob had his name changed to Israel by God

Born : 2065 BC – Negev
Died : 1885 BC – Hebron (180)
Isaac was the miracle birth child of Abraham and Sarah
He married his cousin Rabekah
Abraham tried to sacrifice Isaac to God, an angel stopped him
Isaac was the father of twin sons Jacob and Esau

Born : Unknown
Died : Unknown – 365 years old
Enoch was the great grandfather of Noah
Enoch lived prior to 3000 BC
Enoch was the father of Methuselah who died at 969
Enoch was taken up to heaven by God before ever dying

Born : Ophrah
Died : Ophrah
Gideon was a military leader, a prophet and a Judge for Israel
Comes from the Manasseh tribe
Gideon was the 5th Judge of Israel for 40 years
Gideon defeated the Midianites with only 300 men (1169 BC)